viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

Ups Downs

You won’t stay all night?

The muted, inarticulate despair these few words contained.
The unheard, unnoticed, unregistered cry of loneliness which arises from human beings.
And not a loneliness which could be appeased with one night, 
or with a thousand nights, or with a lifetime, or with a marriage.
A loneliness that human beings could not fill. For it came from her separation from human beings. She felt her separation from human beings and believed the lover alone could destroy it.

When all is right between us, I can bear my life.


Everything is just ending. I just feel like everything is going to be over and it's just like I'm standing on this cliff, looking out into this huge, foggy abyss and, in my whole life, there's never been an abyss. It's been abyss-less. I've always known exactly what is in front of me and I've always known exactly where I'm going and now I don't know what's out there. Besides  fog. I hate not knowing.

What is going to happen with the rest of my life?